Lord knows she tried, but great-great-grandma just couldn’t cook. Take peas, for example. She’d buy peas in the pod, shell ’em – and burn ’em. Then she’d toss out the burnt peas and serve canned ones instead. When great-great-grandpa complained that his peas didn’t taste fresh, she’d storm into the kitchen, return with handfuls of empty pea pods and declare, “See! Here are the pods from the fresh peas!” Fooled him every time.
As a young girl at my great-great-grandparents’ table, my grandmother witnessed many “burnt peas” episodes. Gram was a party animal who danced the Irish jig into her seventies. She never left a restaurant without stocking up on Sweet’N Low packets and leftover rolls. She was also a living link to my family’s past. Her supply of family stories was endless.
One day in 1995 I decided to put my professional video expertise to work preserving my Gram’s stories. I sat Gram in front of a video camera, pressed “record” and asked her questions about her life. I combined her interview with family photos, videos and music. The result: my first Family Legacy Video. It became an instant family treasure. I still bask in the warmth of my family’s gratitude.
I began Family Legacy Video in 2003 in order to help individuals and families preserve their precious stories on video. Family Legacy Video offers products and services for both do-it-yourselfers and for those who just want to hire someone to create a video legacy for them. With each passing day, I meet more and more people who share my passion about saving family history on video. That’s why I created this blog. It’s a place where we can all meet and share our ideas, observations and passions for family legacy videos.
I invite you to spend some time on the Family Legacy Video site. In addition to learning about Family Legacy Video’s products and services, you can sign up for a free monthly e-newsletter, get a valuable free article and view sample video clips. I hope Family Legacy Video can inspire you and help you to preserve your family stories on video.