Brothers Pren & Will Sawyer share a childhood memory revolving around their family’s summer home and a basket of toads. This is an example of a video biography featuring a two-camera shoot with a “live TV” feel.
Running Time: 2 min. 41 sec.
I just watched my dad’s video and was very impressed. I know there was substantial editing, and it all came together beautifully. The photos were such a nice addition to the narrative. The sound and lighting were perfect as well. I am so happy to have this history preserved, especially now that there is a little one on the way to appreciate it. One of the hidden benefits of this project was the search for family photos to include in the video. I really enjoyed looking through them all with my parents, and labeling them for future generations. What a treasure! I am so glad we did this now. My father has been so inspired that he has taken on a new project – he found boxes and boxes of slides in the basement of his Illinois home and has been scanning them. He’s really enjoying it and it’s been great to see those old photos too.
Tamzin Sugiyama, Tucson, Arizona