Legacy Video Lounge Podcast – LVL 10: The Preinterview.

The Legacy Video Lounge, Episode 10
In Episode 10 of The Legacy Video Lounge, video biographer and Family Legacy Video president Steve Pender describes one of the important first steps for any successful video biography – the preinterview. The preinterview is basically the “interview before the interview,” where a video biographer chats with a storyteller in an informal setting. A preinterview helps to break the ice and gives a personal historian a chance to learn the storyteller’s stories in advance of the on-camera interview. Armed with this information, the video biographer can craft questions designed to elicit specific stories. As you’ll hear, a preinterview provides other benefits as well. Here’s what Steve covers in this segment:

  • Organizing for success – Preproduction, Production, Post production
  • What is a preinterview?
  • Preinterview benefits
  • Preinterview techniques
  • After the preinterview