Welcome to the July issue!
Summer is here! Time to enjoy some warm weather fun. It’s also the perfect time to preserve, celebrate and share some warm family memories. This month’s issue has some “hot” tips to help you do just that.
I hope you enjoy this issue of the Family Legacy Video® Producer’s e-Newsletter. Please e-mail me at steve@familylegacyvideo.com or phone toll-free (888.662.1294) with any questions or comments you have.
Cheers! – – Steve Pender
Capture some warm family memories this summer.
Summer – what a great time of year! Time to fire up the barbecues, thrill to fireworks, hit the beach and break out the camping gear. It’s also prime time for family reunions and for reconnecting with family members we see only once every few years, or just once in a blue moon.
If you’ve been wondering when and where you can capture footage and interviews with distant family members, an upcoming reunion or family visit can offer the perfect opportunity. Follow a few simple tips and you’ll leave your next family get-together with a smile on your face, a passel of great memories and some video interviews you and your family will cherish for generations.
Tip #1: Plan ahead. Contact the relatives you’d like to interview before the reunion. Make sure they’re willing, and brief them on the questions you plan to ask.
Tip #2: Schedule a time for the interview. Figure out a time that will work best for you and your subject – then stick to it. Having a firm appointment helps both you and your storyteller prepare and is a statement of commitment. If your attitude is “we’ll get around to it sometime during the reunion,” chances are you never will.
Tip #3: Set up away from the crowd. You’ll need a quiet place away from the hubbub in order to avoid distractions, keep your subject from feeling self-conscious and guarantee sound that’s as noise-free as possible. Maybe your hotel room is the best bet, or maybe your host has a room you can use. Be sure you’re set up and ready to record when your subject arrives.
Tip #4: Use the same room for all your interviews. If you have multiple interviews scheduled, don’t waste time looking for different locations for each of them. Use the same room! You’ll only have to set up all your gear once. Then, between interviews, shift your camera and subject positions slightly. Simply shooting into a different corner of the room or changing some of the background objects can give the same room a whole new look on video.
Tip #5: Treat your recording media like gold. If you’re still recording on video tapes, make sure to label them. And don’t leave them in hot cars. If you recorded on digital media, back up your files onto a laptop or external drive. Do whatever it takes (legally, of course) to get those interviews home safe and sound.
Good luck! And remember: If do-it-yourself video biography production isn’t your thing, Family Legacy Video® is here to help. Give us a call!